Issue 1/2013. 112 p. ISBN

Published on 30. 4. 2013




Humanistic Ethics of Erich Fromm

Zimovčáková, Monika
In: , p. 6 - 15. ISBN:


This paper deals with the problem of humanism as the basis of understanding man in the world. It presents trends that predetermined its direction and then became the basis of humanistic philosophy. It is based on the formation of humanistic ideas in the background of Greek culture and the medieval Christianity. At the same time it presents Fromm’s humanistic ethics as the «science of the art of living», in which he understands man as a whole, as a being that is responsible for itself and its existence.

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Historical Sciences

Comparison of Post-War Antisemitism in Poland and Slovakia

Šromovský, Martin
In: , p. 16 - 26. ISBN:


A small proportion of Jews in Poland and Slovakia who survived the Holocaust was exposed to the opposition of the population remaining after the arriving to their home-town and village.
In Poland there has had a place numerous pogroms, attacks of various armed gangs, collaborated with the communists and armed assaults with economic overtones. Most anti-semitic manifestations in Slovakia amounted to personal skirmishes, riots in pubs and public places, street fights, threats, slogan painting on the walls and buildings and putting up posters or anti-Jewish demonstrations. The brutal anti-Jewish manifestations in Poland has left many causalities – in estimation there have been killed 300 – 1 500 people, while in Slovakia it´s known only about 16 murders of Jews. The main cause of the anti-Semitism in Poland was the collaboration with the communist regime raised by the Soviet Union. Other reasons to hate the Jewish people were some difficult financial situation of Jewish property taken during the German occupation, complex economic and political situation in the country of the remains of war-time anti-Semitism. The same reasons have resulted in the anti-Jewish sentiments in Slovakia, however, the most important it looks to be the unresolved restitution of Jewish property. The people who have acquired that property during the war or shortly after the war didn´t want to give it up. The Jewish population in Poland responded to anti-Semitism by assimilation, or leaving the country.

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The Nature and the Fundamental Problems of the Educational Process in Ukrainian Schools in the Years 1945 – 1949

Virostková, Anna
In: , p. 27 - 36. ISBN:


Ethnic politics after the liberation and restoration of the Republic of Czechoslovakia in 1945 was to a large extent determined by the results of the Second World War, and the overall course of liberation struggle. Compared to other national minorities in Slovakia were Ruthenians and Ukrainians created relatively favourable political conditions. Possess civil rights and some specific minority rights, as shown, inter alia, the development of national education. With the restoration of war-torn economy after the liberation, however, began to successfully advance the development of the Ukrainian minority schools. Their further growth was hampered by the lack and poor condition of school buildings, lack of qualified teachers in many schools lacked basic textbooks and teaching aids, which were characterized by fragmented language of instruction etc.

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Intercultural Aspects in Tradition of Slovak and Chineses Names

Liang, Chen
In: , p. 37 - 44. ISBN:


The aim of this study is to interpret the differences and similarities in Slovak and Chinese given names and surnames from an angle of culture. In author’s opinion, name symbolically represents a nation. It is possible to conclude that name is mirroring the historical and cultural background of each particular nation as well as national approach toward life and the way of living and thinking. Author concentrates on lingvistical influence and national traditions to compare names by using concrete name examples, as well as the public opinion poll.

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Tourism versus Culture

Šimončičová, Anna - Šimončičová, Mária
In: , p. 45 - 60. ISBN:


Tourism is considered to be the strongest sector of the economy in the world. In regional development it serves as a tool of economic, social, environmental and cultural increase. Today tourism becomes not only an economic system but also a cultural phenomenon. Tourism as a way of life or as a product of human plays an important role in cultural science, specifically culturology. The article bears a complex view on the issue of the relationship between tourism and culture in which the bilateral effect is stressed. While the impact of culture in tourism is regarded as positive, even further fundamental for tourism realisation, the opinion of a tourism impact on culture are different. On one hand tourism is considered to be a starter of globalisation and other negative cultural values. On other hand positive effects as an increase of cultural identity and conservation of cultural heritage is emphasized. In article the main view is dedicated to balance between cultural and economic opinions where positive effects are spread to both areas.

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Sexual Morality in the Czech Republic : From Conservatism to Liberalism

Víravová, Jiřina
In: , p. 61 - 68. ISBN:


The article provides the comprehensive view of development changes in the Czech sexual scene. It monitors this development from traditional attitudes of our society to the present liberal structure. Through the whole text the theme of childhood is observed on the background of sexual morality change. The text describes the changes in sexual morality from the total control of the church to the beginning of the first legal anchoring of sexual morality. The text further introduces the view to the obligation of marriage in the pre-industrial society and also the matter of natality and its adjustment. A dividing line is formed by the article part devoted to the era of sexual revolution in the 60’s of the 20th century. This part is followed by the section describing the current situation in Czech families and the relationship changes in them. The final part of the article is devoted to social-pathological phenomena in the current liberal society. The text also introduces topics as sex tourism, child pornography, grooming and sexual abuse of children in families.

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Metaphors as Elements and Means of Poetic and Common Language : A Few Examples from Its Use in the Description of the Soviet Era

Knapcová, Veronika
In: , p. 69 - 74. ISBN:


The article deals with metaphor and its use within common and poetic language. It describes its functions and gives basic distinctions between the poetic, narrative and scientific language in as far as figurativeness and non-linguistic components are concerned. The overlapping points are, to a lesser or greater extent, represented by metaphors, even without human mind realizing this fact. Attention is also paid to context and connotations. The author is, in her work, concerned with Russia and USSR picture and stereotypes outside Russian cultural area, and, therefore, she gives a few examples of how metaphors are used to describe one of the periods of the history of this country.

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Motivation in the Language of Advertising

Lalík, Igor
In: , p. 75 - 82. ISBN:


The goal of the presented paper is to present general overview of lexical motivation in the language of advertising. It provides short description of the advertising in general and description of its language. Advertising basically contains verbal or visual representation of the advertised product, or the combination of verbal and visual signs that should be in balance and should cooperate to successfully accomplish the aims of advertising – to engage attention of percipients, to arouse their interest in the advertised product, to be memorable and, finally, to sell the product. Besides the visual representation of the advertised product the language of advertisement is very important. The lexical representation of advertising can be motivated in several ways. The paper deals with the selected specific lexical motivations in advertising – semantic/figurative, phraseological, interlingual, expressive, sociolectical, territorial and individual motivations. The paper provides general description of the respective motivation and its application to the language of advertisement with a set of specific examples.

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Differences in Polish, Czech and English Terminology of Selected Species of Mammals

Szałaśny, Piotr
In: , p. 83 - 88. ISBN:


Predstavené príklady jednoznačne ukazujú na to, že jazykový obraz sveta má nemalý význam, ak ide o tvorenie názvov zvierat. Z mnohých zásadných rozdielov medzi analyzovanými jazykmi prichádzame k záveru, že vplyv na názov má často vzťah užívateľov daného jazyka k zvieraťu (ako to bolo pri názve medveďa tibetského či všeobecne medveďa, ktorého sa ľudia báli, a tak utvorili jazykové tabu); veľmi často pomenovanie ovplyvňuje taktiež miesto výskytu daného zvieraťa (čo možno pozorovať pri názve hroch nílsky); nemožno tiež zabudnúť na samotný vzhľad daného zvieraťa (príkladom je panda malá alebo veľkopotkan). Spracovanie názvov poľsko-česko-anglických môže bezpochyby predstavovať zaujímavú základňu pre ďalšie výskumy tejto problematiky.

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Literary Science

The Poetics of Physicality in Arnošt Lustig’s Prose

Chytilová, Ingrid
In: , p. 89 - 101. ISBN:


The study is focused on the bodies of the literary characters in selected proses Arnošt Lustig. Female characters become the object of male interest, in which he projects his dreams and fantasies. The study was also metaphors female body, which are often compared to nature. In prose Zasvěcení we met with the metaphor of the female body as a scene that dynamic and contain lots different colours. In the novel Láska a tělo the body was as a mountain range. In the context of sexuality we focused on the face of the character, which can consider as a tool of seduction. On the basis of these facts we can say that the poetics of physicality in Arnošt Lustig’s prose is reflected in the relationship between man character and female character – is the dominant feature in the formation Arnošt Lustig.

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Ethics & Counselling & Practice

Belicová, Petra
In: , p. 103 - 105. ISBN:


Review about Ethics & Counselling & Practice by Pavel Fobel at al.

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Remišová, A. Ethics of Media

Hrašková, Jana
In: , p. 106 - 108. ISBN:


Review about Ethics of Media by Anna Remišová.

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Translations of Non-Literary Texts Containing Literary Elements in a Nutshell

Melicherčíková, Miroslava
In: , p. 109 - 111. ISBN:


Review about Zázraky v orechovej škrupinke. Prekladové konkretizácie tvorby S. W. Hawkinga v slovenskom kultúrnom priestore by Vladimír Biloveský.

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