Ročník VI, 2017, číslo 2. 80 s. ISSN 1339-0392

Zverejnené 21. 11. 2017

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Jurečková, Antónia
In: , s. 7 - 13. ISBN:


This article depicts the communication between orality and writing in the field of electronic media. In this area the borderlines between them appear to be unclear and these language forms are combined and mixed up. The analysis describes also other relevant opposition factors influencing communication and texts that were presented by J. Findra (2009, p 12) namely oral vs. written, official vs. non-official, public vs. private, prepared vs. non-prepared, monological vs. dialogical. Medial hybridity is present in the mixed codes used within one platform. Features exclusively characteristic for orality in the past are nowadays present in writing as well.

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Pelikánová, Edita
In: , s. 14 - 23. ISBN:


The article explores the occurrence of the language for special purposes in women’s magazines, specifically the March 2014 German edition of Cosmopolitan. The Cosmopolitan is in the first place not a popular science magazine but a lifestyle magazine. Nevertheless there can be find articles with a scientific base. The article for the analysis describes a medical theme – the focus of the analysis belongs to the occurrence of the technical terms in the Cosmopolitan article “blutjung”, how the author uses this terms – the usage of synonym, explanation or definitions, the usage of examples.

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Bernátová, Zuzana - Richterová, Aneta
In: , s. 24 - 32. ISBN:


The linguistic typology is a method of classification, description and comparison of languages which is primarily used in synchronic study of languages. Since the first half of the 20th century Skalička had been gradually developing his typology therefore Skalička himself expected to develop and specify it even further. Until this day, his typology is still being developed and topical. For modern Spanish, Skalička's typology, which linguists in Spanish-speaking countries know only marginally, though, is a valid theory; for example, with regard to the development of Castilian Spanish and Latin American Spanish and the growing differences between them. Although typology is essentially of synchronic character, i.e., it studies language at a given point in time and does not deal with the historical explanation of this situation, this study draws attention to the fact that Skalička’s typology is applicable to diachronic linguistics which studies a language over a period of time. With regard to linguistic typology of Vladimír Skalička the study deals with typological description of selected substantive and adjective forms, explores their development from Latin to Spanish and evaluates their typological modification. In the development of each language (or part of language) there is an evolution from one type to another. Classical Latin is a language with flexional dominance in declension system whereas Vulgar Latin has isolating tendencies. Finally, in Spanish there is a combination of isolating and agglutinating features.

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Literárna veda


Rezoničnik, Lidija
In: , s. 33 - 41. ISBN:


The article deals with the novel The Issa Valley, written by the Nobel laureate in literature Czesław Miłosz, and its eponymous film adaptation by film director Tadeusz Konwicki. Both authors were born in the region of today’s Lithuania, which, with its intact natural environment and ancient folk beliefs, left a strong mark on their childhoods. In the present novel or film, the authors narrate their childhood through fragmentary memories, which are transformed by fiction, and through representations of thoughts: while Miłosz narrates his own childhood, Konwicki transforms the novel into film and shows the story through audio-visual images, at the same time also exposing himself in the role of author. With a chronotope analysis, and based on the anthropological-morphological method of film analysis, the contribution presents the methods of verbal and audio-visual representation of an adult-narrator memory on the landscape of his home region and on the time of childhood as well as defining the discussed works with the categories spiritual autobiography and film-memory”.

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Střelec, Karel
In: , s. 42 - 47. ISBN:


The paper focuses on the literary characters named Eve in the post-war Czech literature. Eve represents according to the biblical creation myth one of the most noticeable archetypal characters, thus this name in a literary work implies the presence of the cultural tradition. On the basis of the analysis and the interpretation of the representative works (Vladimír Holan, Milan Kundera, Karel Šiktanc, Jan Balabán and other authors) the paper deals with the importance of the anthroponym in the perception of the character. The various shifts and modifications of the symbolism of the first woman and the original sin, connected to Eve, are discussed – both in the religious as well as in the profane meanings. Last but not least, the attention is paid to the literary references to the biblical Eve’s rebellion in Eden.

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Vedy o športe


Daubnerová, Jana
In: , s. 48 - 53. ISBN:


The aim of the study was to determine the diurnal optimum and diurnal pesimum for shooting precision and motion abilities – sprint abilities, strength abilities of lower and upper limbs in biathlete within diurnal rhythm at the beginning of the preparation period of the season 2016/2017. The observational sample was the actual biathlete, the member of VŠC Dukla Banská Bystrica (age = 31.6, height = 170 cm, weight = 64.3 kg). The diagnostics we carried out in laboratory conditions in the areas of KTVŠ FF UMB for 7 days at three-hour intervals (9 AM - 12 AM – 3 PM - 6 PM). The level of sprint abilities was measured by the device Fitro Light Gates (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovak republic). The criterion for the level assessing was the running time, achieved over the distance of 30 m with the exactness of 0.01 s (9 AM = 5.17 ± 0.05; 12 AM = 5.18 ± 0.04; 3 PM = 5.27 ± 0.13; 6 PM = 5.19 ± 0.09). The level of lower limbs strength abilities was diagnosed by Myotest (Myotest, Switzerland). The criterion for the level assessing was the average height of three vertical jumps in cm with the exactness of 0.1 cm (9 AM = 29.4 ± 0.8; 12 AM = 29.5 ± 0.9; 3 PM = 28.5 ± 0.8; 6 PM = 29.5 ± 0.9). The level of upper limbs strength abilities was diagnosed by the training simulator Concept 2 SkiErg (Morrisville, USA). Criteria for assessing the level was the achieved power, presented in Watts, with an accuracy of 1 W. (9 AM = 216.9 ± 9.4; 12 AM = 212.9 ± 7.6; 3 PM = 212.9 ± 6.3; 6 PM = 228.0 ± 9.1). The shooting precision was diagnosed by electronic shooting simulator Scatt Professional (Scatt, Russian Federation). The criterion for the level assessment was the total point value of 10 shots with an accuracy of 0.1 point. Performances in shooting were diagnosed separately for shooting in prone and standing. (Prone: 9 AM = 100.0 ± 1.6; 12 AM = 98.4 ± 3.2; 3 PM = 97.8 ± 1.9; 6 PM = 97.6 ± 3.2; standing: 9 AM = 92.4 ± 4.1; 12 AM = 89.7 ± 2.4; 3 PM = 89.5 ± 5.4; 6 PM = 91.7 ± 3.9). The statistical analysis was realized by software IBM® SPSS® Statistics V19 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) a R Project. Significant differences were noticed in upper limbs strength abilities (Concept 2), where the measured values for power were Z = -2.226, p < 0.05, r = 0.59, effect size strong, running time in 30 m, where Z = -2.201, p < 0.05, r = 0.59, effect size strong, vertical jump, where Z = -2.213, p < 0.05, r = 0.59, effect size strong. In shooting skills there weren`t noticed the significant differences among four times during the day (Z = -1.778 / Z = -1.014, p > 0.05), but we noticed small effect size (r = 0.27) in standing shooting and moderate effect size (r = 0.48) in prone shooting. 

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Marková, Bibiána
In: , s. 55 - 57. ISBN:


Review about Kontroverze sučasné medicíny by Radek Ptáček a Petr Bartůněk et al. The publication is a summary of studies by various authors who deal with the main controversies contemporary medicine. These include issues of domestic deliveries, homeopathy, chinese healing, human enhancement etc. The work represents an important activity and may be useful in clarifying the ethical problems of medicine.

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Dúbravská, Natália
In: , s. 59 - 66. ISBN:


Proposed paper explores the message of German voluntaristic philosophy in the works of Russian modernist writer Leonid Nikolaievich Andreyev. Its subject matter deals with the philosophical system of two leading figures associated with the concept of ‘will’ – Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche – as well as the influence of their teaching on Andreyev’s literary writings. Author of the paper analyses the phenomenon of ‘will’ from the perspective of the aforementioned philosophers, examines its significance in terms of human existence and determines its dominant position in relation to reason. The author subsequently confronts the acquired information with selected prosaic and dramatic texts of the Russian writer and identifies parallels between them. The paper concludes with evidence justifying the interrelation between Andreyev’s work and the German system of thought. 

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Odrobiňáková, Monika
In: , s. 67 - 79. ISBN:


The Kysuce-Orava forest railway created technologically interesting segment in regional history of forest transportation. That is the reason for analysing of available specialised literature and documenting a report in which two aims are given. On the one hand, we analysed historical events which leaded to the formation and the downfall of the Orava-Kysuce forest railway and its architectural and organizing conditions during railway’s functioning. On the other hand, we compiled the views of various authors from chosen periodics. We investigated attitudes of individual periodics to the downfall of railway and whether they explained the reasons for downfall objectively to their readers. The main part of the report is created by study in Kysuce library and Kysuce museum in Čadca. This part was critically analysed and within limits compared to specialised literature. The relevance of railway’s functioning and railway’s contribution for today is summarised in the conclusion. 

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