Issue 2/2013. 120 p. ISBN

Published on 30. 11. 2013




Man’s Relationship to the World, towards Himself in F. M. Dostoyevsky’s Work

Kuzmová, Štefánia Jana
In: , p. 8 - 17. ISBN:


In presented paper we are describing the philosophical and ethical question of Justice in the works of F. M. Dostoyevsky, specifically in the novel Demons. Justice as a phylogenetic heritage of man and mankind, which has been affected over the course of years in the process of ages by socio-political changes of subsequent civilisations, is earning a lot of different connotations and levels. The desire for justice is changing into passion the hunger after being fed up with wealth, fame, unquenchable thirst for power over man, society tate. Sick ideas and passions are coming back to man, bringing loss of oneself and his consciousness.
The appeal and prophecy of Dostoyevsky are becoming more and more urging: Don’t let sick passions, thirst for wealth and power, selfishness and egoism win. Justice is a continuous activity
communication with the strengths of Truth, Goodness and Beauty which are coded inside everyone and  humanity as the meaning of life and its path.

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The Will to Power and the Idea of the Eternal Recurrence : Nietzsche on Overcoming Nihilism

Šlosiariková, Katarína
In: , p. 18 - 32. ISBN:


The most significant problems of contemporary life have their origins in nihilism and its paradoxical logic, which is simultaneously destructive, and constitutive of society and individual. Yet, in philosophical theory, nihilism is surprisingly under-researched topic. Nietzsche’s relation to the problem of nihilism is a complex one. He approaches the problem of nihilism as deeply personal, stating that this predicament of the modern world is a problem that has become conscious in him. Sense of Nietzsche’s idea of the eternal recurrence assumes criticism existence as it is, without meaning or aim. The philosophy of will should displace metaphysics, overcome and revaluate all ancient values. The author tries to explain Nietzsche’s idea of the will to power as a stimulative principle of the idea of the eternal recurrence. The paper examines the relationship of Nietzsche’s time perspective to nihilism, and how it relates to overcoming or closuring of open nihilism.

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Special Events as a Culturological Phenomenon

Šimončičová, Anna
In: , p. 33 - 44. ISBN:


In the last decades the fields of special events have grown dramatically. Globally there has been watched an enormous quantitative and qualitative boom of events. Mega- events, such as Olympics or World’s Fair, became part of global culture and they are known for amazing visit rates amounting to millions. They fulfill numerous functions in economic, cultural and enviromental spheres. Their impacts are multiplied by factors, such as tourism and medias with worldwide coverage. The need for managing the impacts of special events is appeared in order to protect and develop cultural, economic and enviromental ambients for other generation. The article draws attention to necessity of complex study of special events, not only in the field of event management, event tourism or other economic sciences. The focus is concentrated to social sciences with intent to evoke the reaction of the culturology to the field of special events. The main view is dedicated to special events as a cultural value with an own evolution dated back to the appearance of first religious ideas. The history of special events is analysed depending upon the evolution of human culture/society with accent on tourism as a former factor. By this the author confirms relation among events, culture and tourism.

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Linguistic and Cognitive Mechanisms in Jokes

Kušnieriková, Jarmila
In: , p. 45 - 55. ISBN:


The study deals with German jokes from the point of view of cognitive semantics. After anchoring the research object in the given branch of linguistics and defining the language misunderstanding as one of the basic starting points of jokes, the article deals with categorization system, with the help of which the author tries to describe the jokes from her corpus. She explains the individual categories and the relevance of their consideration in the research. The last chapter consists of an in-depth study of two jokes, which are analyzed according to the given categories. Based on this analysis, conclusions are made about this way of categorization and examination of German jokes. It has been shown which of the categories are the most relevant ones for a cognitive-semantic research as well as what their function is.

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On the Expression of Emotions in Fictional Literature : The Example of Adalbert Stifter’s Story Der Waldgänger

Mišun, Josef
In: , p. 56 - 66. ISBN:


The submitted article focuses on the issues of emotion linguistics and its application for the analysis of literary texts. The author examines, in connection with the Bühler’s organon model of natural language, some of the language means serving to express, name and develop emotions, where it is particularly the lexical level of the language which is paid attention to. A sample emotion linguistics analysis is illustrated by the example of Adalbert Stifter’s story “Der Waldgänger”. It becomes apparent that literary texts can bear emotional potential which is often activated by the means of context and general knowledge of the text recipient.

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Literary Science

No Two Books are Alike or Artist’s Book for Children

Odokienko Fodorová , Hana
In: , p. 67 - 71. ISBN:


Can we give a simple answer to the question which segment of book is more important? Is it its visual appearance or its textual content? Some people surely can. The more when they are the very artists who made the illustrations and wrote the text. Readers, though, see it differently. They see book as a whole, so it should be seen as a whole even in the process of its creation. In the model situation the artist and the author of the text would have the same artistic intention, or even better, they would be one person. Question of form and content of a book is widely explored in the phenomenon of artist’s book. It is usually made by a single author who presents through it his or her artistic self or comments on certain aspect of objective reality. Artist’s book has already entered the realm of children’s book, with all its specificity. Artist’s book for children could, thus, lead to a better interaction between author and percipient. Attempts of such kind can be found in our book market under the name of so called collector’s books.

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Dwelling in the Lustig’s Prose

Chytilová, Ingrid
In: , p. 72 - 85. ISBN:


The study is focused on space of attic room in the prose Z deníku sedmnáctileté Perly Sch., Colette: dívka z Antverp, Krásné zelené oči, which for the characters made not only a vision of refuge from the outside world, but presented also a place of dreaming and remembering the times before World War II.
The parts of each space are things which are also involved in overall nature of the space and on the what measure this object are entered to the awareness of the characters which will use the things not only for their own need, but these things also become a means enabling the characters to think back about past times. In accordance with the performed analysis we can conclude that the objects are not mere props that fill the almost empty space, but they are bearers of substance and that they also have their own ontological existence.

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Emancipation in “Male” Diaries by Croatian Female Modernist Writers

Zoufalá, Marie
In: , p. 86 - 93. ISBN:


The article deals with the phenomenon of emancipation that can be found in two novels by Croatian authors, namely Plein air by Jagoda Truhelka and Ispovijest by Milka Pogačić. Both novels were composed during the Croatian modernist period and are unique in their form as they are male diaries, though written by women. The authors attempted to deal with women’s emancipation, an issue that saw a rise in importance in Croatian society at the beginning of the 20th century.
Each of the authors deals with the theme in a different way. The main characters of Truhelka’s novel are confronted with women’s emancipation directly and accept it as right in the end. The main characters of the second novel are firmly anchored in contemporary conventions, absurdity of which is shown in escalated situations they find themselves in.

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Proceedings to 100th birth anniversary of František Švantner

Muráriková, Lucia
In: , p. 95 - 98. ISBN:


Review about Proceedings to 100th birth anniversary of František Švantner.

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Hutchings, Kimberly. Global Ethics: An Introduction

Stecíková, Emília
In: , p. 99 - 101. ISBN:


Review About Global Ethics: An Introduction by Kimberly Hutchings.

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Non-verbal Communication of the Deaf – its Means and Specifics

Arvensisová, Marika
In: , p. 103 - 111. ISBN:


This work deals with Slovak Sign Language. Its aim is to reveal the function of non-verbal means of communicating in sign. The work is divided into an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. The introduction presented problems of non-verbal means of Deaf communication. The chapters characterize the relationship mimicry and gesture towards a meaningful gesture, pay attention to the perspective as a means of contacting, emphasizes posturics in function of unity with kinetics and provides interconnection with haptics proxemics. In conclusion, there are specified generalizations and interpretations of the object of study. The work highlights the importance of non-verbal means in Slovak Sign language.

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Symbolism in Works House under the Starry Skies and Master and Margarita

Turiak, Lukáš
In: , p. 112 - 119. ISBN:


The most important objective in presented paper is the interpretation and analysis of a Segei Solovyov’s movie that represents the situation in the Soviet Union during the period of perestroika and establishing a new state. The same importance is given to searching for symbols from Bulgakov’s novel Master and Margarita in Solovyov’s film House under the Starry Skies.
In the paper different sources of non-fiction and fiction were used, combined with author's knowledge of the film and the novel. There is an assumption that Solovyov shows his criticism of the situation in the nation but also philosophizes about the character of the human soul. Solovyov makes the viewer think about serious problems of humanity but also amuses him by his characteristic sense of humour which sometimes tends to be shocking. Many similar signs were found by comparing the film with Bulgakov’s symbols.
Working at this paper has broadened the author
’s horizons and there is a hope that it can give the reader at least a brief guideline through the film and, hopefully, encourage him or her to watch it.

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