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  1. The Journal Motus in verbo is a scientific journal published electronically by The Faculty of Arts Matej Bel University, 40 Tajovský street, Banská Bystrica 974 01, The Slovak Republic.
  2. The full title of the Journal is Motus in verbo : vedecký časopis mladej generácie // Motus in verbo : Young Scientist Journal.
  3. The Journal is reviewed and published semi-annually in April and November of every calendar year.

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Profile and orientation

  1. The Journal is modern in its format and delivery and focuses on research in humanities and sport studies. Its primary aim is to introduce the research of the young scientific generation to professionals and to the public at large.
  2. The Journal was established to help students,doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars (no more than five years after PhD.), scientists/researchers and specialists in scientific, educational and cultural institutions publish. Motus in verboMotion in a word is a symbolic title joining physical and mental development transformed into scientific output and implying professional dynamics and progress.
  3. The Journal includes purely theoretical papers, theoretical and empirical papers, research results and their practical implementation as well as reviews of monographs and conference reports. Published papers cover the fields of ethics, ethnology, philosophy, history, culturology, linguistics, literary science, translatology, sport studies and didactics.
  4. Basic sections of the journal are Studies and Reviews. They are further sub-divided into the following sub-sections: Ethics, Ethnology, Philosophy, Culturology, Linguistics, Literary science, Didactics, Translatology and Sport Studies.
  5. The Journal’s editorial board can decide to publish a supplement that may include the best papers from the Students´ scientific activity competition held in a particular year or another major importance student works. This works also may be published as a study. Proposition for a supplement must be approved by the Journal’s Scientific Council.

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The Journal’s Scientific Council

  1. The Journal’s Scientific Council is a professional supervisory body of the journal Motus in verbo consisting of a Chairperson, an Editor-in-chief and Members of the Scientific Council. The Chairperson of the Scientific Council is the vice-dean for scientific research at The Faculty of Arts Matej Bel University. The Editor-in-chief and Members of the Scientific Council are appointed and revoked by the dean of The Faculty of Arts Matej Bel University and the process is proposed by the vice-dean for scientific research at The Faculty of Arts Matej Bel University.
  2. The Scientific Council is listed on the Journal’s web page, in each issue of the Journal and also in the Appendix to these By-laws.
  3. Members of the Scientific Council are required to be acquainted with all received papers and reviews before approving a final version of the upcoming issue. Editor-in-chief or another Editorial board member has the responsibility for delivery of those documents in accordance to the Article 3/4.
  4. The Scientific Council votes on approving the final version of each issue of the Journal no later than two weeks after receiving the proposed issue from the Editorial board. The issue can be published only after being approved by more than half of the Scientific Council members. The same voting system is applied for other proposals. Voting may be electronic and use voting form The Scientific Council vote (Appendix 8).
  5. Members of the Scientific Councilare expected to make proposals aimed at improving the quality of the Journal.
  6. Members of the Scientific Councildo not receive any fee for their membership.

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Editorial Board of the Journal

  1. The Journal is managed by the Editorial board. The Editorial board is formed and led by the Editor-in-chief. The Editorial board consists of: the Chairperson of the scientific council, Stable members of the Editorial board, and Temporary members of the Editorial board. The Stable members of the editorial board are appointed and revoked by the dean of The Faculty of Arts on the Editor-in-chief´s proposal. The editorial board is listed on the Journal’s web page, in each issue of the Journal and also in the Appendix to these By-laws.
  2. The Temporary members of the editorial board are among PhD students at The Faculty of Arts Matej Bel University. They can join the Editorial board at any time except during the period starting one month before the deadline for a particular issue and its publication.
  3. The Editorial board is responsible for the graphic style of the Journal and for its preparation. The Editorial board receives articles, checks whether basic criteria are fulfilled, sends articles to reviewers, examines the reviews and follows Article 6/4. It divides articles into sections and suggests the order of articles and the graphic style of the Journal. It gives the proposed issue to the Scientific Council as per Article 3.
  4. The Editor-in-chief together with the Chairperson of the Scientific Council are responsible for the on-line presentation of the Journal.
  5. Members of the Editorial board do not receive any fee for their membership.

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Receiving articles

  1. Authors send their articles following the formal rules that can be found in the Appendix and also on the Journal’s web page.
  2. Authors who submit articles are responsible for complying with the Law, especially Copyright Laws (Appendix 5 Publication Ethics in Motus in verbo journal).
  3. Authors are responsible for the language appropriateness of their contributions.
  4. Authors send their contributions formatted to fit the Journal’s style to the following electronic address:
  5. Deadline for submitting articles is always February 15th for the first issue in any calendar year and September 15th for the second issue.

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Reviews and selection of contributions

  1. Before sending an article for review, the Editorial board checks whether basic criteria for publishing in the Journal are met. Contributions which do not follow formal rules, language and stylistic rules or whose subject does not fit the aim of the Journal can be refused by the Editorial board, sent for revising and/or completing or forwarded to reviewers.
  2. The Editorial board considers publishing an article based on its review by a designated reviewer. Reviewers are asked to write their reviews by the Editor-in-chief or by another member of Editorial board. The deadline for review is set usually 10 days after the reviewer receives the article.
  3. Each study is reviewed in double-blind process by two independent reviewers.
  4. An article review is written according to the format shown in the Appendix. The reviewer is required to provide reasons for recommending or refusing the article. The reviewer´s decision has to be followed by the Editorial board, however the Scientific Council as a professional supervisory body has veto power. According to the review the Editorial board acts as follows:
    1. if the reviewer recommends publishing, the article is accepted for publishing,
    2. if the reviewer recommends not to publish, the article is rejected,
    3. if the reviewer recommends publishing the article after it has been modified, the author will be asked to do so and the article will be again reviewed by the original reviewer.
  5. The author shall be informed about the reviewing process and the Editorial board’s decision via e-mail.
  6. Contributions to the section Reviews are considered by a Member of the Editorial board or of the Scientific Council.
  7. Editorial board may issue a certificate of participation in the peer-review process at their request expressed in the review form no. 1 (Appendix 3).
  8. Reviewers do not receive any fee for their review work.

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 Final regulations

  1. The publisher can decide to stop publishing the Journal after such decision has been announced publicly.
  2. Changes to the By-laws can be done by the Editor-in-chief after discussion with Chairperson of the Scientific Council and have to be approved by the dean Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica.
  3. The By-laws were discussed at the dean’s panel at The Faculty of Humanities of Matej Bel University on June 5th 2012 and approved by the dean of The Faculty of Humanities of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica on June 15th 2012.
  4. The amended By-laws were discussed at the dean’s panel at Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica on March 23th 2016.
  5. The amended By-laws enters into force on March 23th 2016.

prof. PaedDr. Karol Görner, PhD.
Dean of the Faculty of Arts of MBU

Banská Bystrica
23th March 2016

Mgr. Martina Kubealaková, PhD.
of the Journal Motus in verbo

doc. PhDr. Peter Mičko, PhD.
Chairperson of the Scientific Council
of the Journal Motus in verbo